Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010 - The Queen of Cups

Well here she is, back again. I'm sure, statistically speaking there's a reasonable explanation for the cards re-surfacing over and over. I tend to think it's my own pig-headedness. I'm sure other cards would love to be drawn but apparently I need a lot of repetition to get things. Do cards get tired? Does my higher self wish it could go on a vacation for a bit of rest? Would it sit around with other higher selves complaining about how hard it works and how long it takes me to figure things out, let alone actually do them.

The Queen of Cups is a lovely card. All the queens are beautiful in their own way, the perfect embodiment of the positive qualities of whatever suit they represent. They are measured, balanced, wise. They act with a certainty I admire, envy. There is no second-guessing. They are completely and totally themselves.

The Queen of Cups is loving, totally accepting. She is tender-hearted. Her intuition is strong and she possesses a psychic gift. She is also deeply spiritual, walking in the world secure in the knowledge that everything is one. She is emotional without being ruled by them. For someone who has tipped the emotional scales the past few years and has grown used to extremes, she is what you hope to be, strive to be, for to be less is to risk a broken heart (literal in my case).

In the Jane Austen Tarot, this card is depicted by Jane Bennett of Pride and Prejudice. The older sister of Elizabeth, she loses her love through the interference of Mr. Darcy. Jane could give in to despair, as Marianne Dashwood does (the Maiden/Page of cups), but she is not an all or nothing gal. She is a queen and so she goes on being her loving self, living life, looking toward the future, never giving up. She isn't long-suffering. She moves on from her love even as she still loves, believing there is happiness ahead for her and loving those in her life, being a good daughter and sister, a loving friend.

There are days I feel more Jane than Marianne. It's another step onward toward whatever is ahead. I'm grateful for this small miracle of perspective and a kind of peace. May I always have the loving grace of the Queen of Cups.

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