April 1, 2010 - The Six of Wands
A year ago today I went to the hospital. By the time I'm writing this, I had gotten the bad news -- that I had five blockages and would need bypass surgery. It has been a long road from that day. In some ways it seems only yesterday. I feel young and new, toddling, hopeful, with so much life still ahead. In some ways it seems ages ago, the woman I was similar to who I am now in only the most superficial ways.
This was a lovely card to get today, a day celebrated simply with my daughter --shopping, lunch, doing the ordinary things I take for granted. The Six of Wands is a card of triumph, acclaim and pride. You have triumphed and prevailed. You are having your day in the sun. You are coming out on top. For someone who felt so low for so long, this is marvelous and comes at the perfect time.
It is also a card of achieving acclaim and recognition. And you feel pride at what you've accomplished. Of course pride is slippery, turning easily to hubris. At this point, I'm not too worried. There's plenty to keep grounded.
In the Jane Austen Tarot
, the Six of Candlesticks depicts the two heroes of Pride and Prejudice
, Charles Bingley and Fitzwilliam Darcy, riding towards the small English manor where Elizabeth Bennett and her sister Jane live. This is near the end of the novel so the men are eager and anticipating being joined with their beloveds. Both men, especially Darcy, have experienced growth, particularly spiritual expansion. When this card comes up in a reading, in says that you have been tempered by not just meeting what life has challenged you with, but exceeding. You have grown in every way, including spiritually, and you are ready to reap your rewards. The key is to stay in balance, even with success and triumph. Don't grow over-proud of your accomplishments.
I do not always acknowledge accomplishments. Sometimes, I am so focused on achieving what I want, keeping my eye on the prize, that I forget to be grateful for where I am, how far I've come. I judge my progress by whether I've reached my destination, not the journey. I need to remember to be grateful, to enjoy the small things. Life is so very good.
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