Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010 - Nine of Cups

Like everyone, I have these secret wishes, heart's desires which I hold close and hope for with all of me.  I'm not sure I believe they can actually come true, but at the very core of me, in the place past reason, the child's place of hope and surety, you know the place where you believe in the wish on that first star, I think I can have my deepest desires.  In that place I hold these wishes and look for the first evening star.

When I asked what I needed to know today for my health and happiness, the Nine of Cups appeared.  The Nine of Cups is all about having your wishes fulfilled.  It's a dream come true, achieving your heart's desire kind of card.  Look at the figure.  He looks pretty darn satisfied.  He has chosen cups over ducks and he has them all in a row.  He's contented (I could use some of that although I think a bit of yearning is good for my soul, keeps me stretching, reaching, growing), pleased as punch, and pretty sure all's well with the world.

The Nine of Cups is also a card of enjoying sensual pleasure.  It's about experiencing luxury, appreciating the arts, making love, relaxing.  It speaks of the experience of beauty.  I have come to a place of daily experiencing and cherishing the beauty of the world but there's no place these days where anyone appreciates the beauty of me.  I feel a bit like Amelie, taking her small sensual pleasures as she waits to come into her own.  A friend posted the following as her Facebook status and I find it has rung me deep and true: "This is my living faith, an active faith," Terry Tempest Williams writes, "a faith of verbs: to question, explore, experiment, experience, walk, run, dance, play, eat, love, learn, dare, taste, touch, smell, listen, argue, speak . . .,Some may see this as an act of madness. I see it as the sovereignty of a soul that comes when we bow to our own creative impulses . . ."

The Nine of Cups has traditionally been considered the wish card.  It says your wish will come true.  I wonder which one?  It's a lovely card though, for a rainy Tuesday full of meetings.  I think I'll keep that deep place in me, that child's hopeful surety, that wishes do come true.  

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