The Eight of Pentacles, again. This card reflects hard work, intelligence successfully utilized on the practical level, mastery, skillful organization, capability, and productivity. It's the card of the craftsman. So what is it trying to tell me?
It may be that I've achieved a level of mastery in one are or in many. It may be that I'm the unseen hand that effects many valuable projects and possibilities to succeed. It may also be time to move on to a higher level. I may have accomplished as much as I can in one area and am ready to take things to the next level.
I know right now I'm focused on my writing and my collages. I have come to a place where I truly love short stories. I want to master them while staying true to myself and my voice. I want to dedicate myself to my art. I want the rest too, but this is me, this is what want, what I do, who I am, and the rest will have to accept this, accept me. Maybe it is time for me to be a craftsman, to focus all my energy on my work. Maybe that's why the Eight of Pentacles keeps coming up in readings. I'll keep you posted.
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