It is that time of year. Anyone who works in the public schools knows that come April it's a rush to the finish line, a full-out sprint that doesn't end even on the last day of school but stretches beyond that in my case the week after. Summer vacation becomes a welcome break, a time to take a deep breath, to replenish and refresh.
Still, I see this card and say "really?" Again? More? Still? Oh well ....
In the Jane Austen Tarot,
Here's what leaps out at me in Diane Wilkes' card interpretation: "This card urges you to perform a serious self-appraisal: Where, how, and why are your energies currently being spent? If you feel overwhelmed or pressured, how much of that duress is self-imposed? Which duties are necessary life burdens and which could you delegate? Most importantly, what are your deepest desires? Are the activities you currently perform in service to those desires, or are they misdirected? You are the one who determines your actions -- or inactions. If they are not in alignment with the life you want to live, you must make the changes you want your life to express."
Hmmmmm. I need to ponder this for I do much in the name of responsibility, to serve others, but not always what serves and soothes my heart. At some point I have to start. The Ten of Wands maybe telling me, now is the time.
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