Like most of the Tarot, the World card doesn't give you permission to rest on your laurels. Good tidings aren't just going to fall into your lap like manna from heaven. No, you have to contribute, participate, serve. We have to give ourselves to the World before she in turn gives herself to us.
When the World shows up it says that you are experiencing a time of wholeness. You are dynamically balanced. You are accomplishing things, realizing your goals, achieving your heart's desire, flourishing. God that's a lovely word. I don't just want to grow; I want to flourish. The World's arrival signals a time of involvement, of contributing, healing, giving of yourself and feeling fulfilled. You enjoy peace of mind. You count your blessings and realize they are wondrous and plentiful.
In the Jane Austen Tarot
The meaning of the card is similar to the traditional interpretations -- like success through hard work, great attainment, balance and harmony, and the assurance that you are progressing as an individual just as you should. For someone who has so many questions about her place and path, am I moving in the right direction, is this where I need to be, this kind of assurance is priceless.
So, let's see what the World has in store for me. I'll keep you posted.
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