The Hierophant is a card I have trouble interpreting. It represents culture, official learning. The card depicts a religious leader, the Pope, but the Heirophant doesn't just represent religious education. There are schools, clubs, teams, companies, and societies. This card speaks of any environment which possesses a particular belief system - facts, rules, procedures, and rituals. And when it comes up in a reading, it usually represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers.
As near as I know, and admittedly the world is a surprising place and I don't know what the future holds, I'm not planning on enrolling in school any time soon. I do work for a school district but I tend to work rather independently within that system. I live within a family, several, but live far enough away that conversation via phone is usual. All of us live within a culture/society which influences us in myriad ways, condoning the acceptable, punishing the unacceptable. See, this card stumps me.
In the
Jane Austen Tarot
, the Hierophant card depicts Mr. Collins, the pompous cleric of
Pride and Prejudice
. Anyone who has read the book knows Mr. Collins, and to know him is to loathe him and laugh at him. Mr. Collins pays close attention to people's status, relishing who they are societally as opposed to who they are as people. He has knowledge and is most willing to share his thoughts and opinions with others, without much thought to their feelings or how his words may hurt them. Mr. Collins pays attention to manners and etiquette and values them above everything else, paying attention to the letter of the law as opposed to its spirit.
Am I Mr. Collins? God, I hope not. I do tend to bide by societal rules as opposed to doing what makes me happy. Maybe the card is here to tell me that those rules don't have to be mine although there will be a price for breaking them. Just not sure what the Hierophant means today, but if I figure it out, I'll keep you posted.
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