When the Ten of cups comes up in a reading it reminds us that there is a place beyond contentment, enjoyment, and happiness -- Joy -- and it is our birthright. The card tells us to embrace happiness, radiate love, delight in our good fortune. What do we do? Count our blessings and express delight. What a wonderful phrase, express delight. I wonder how long it's been since I expressed delight, made a joyful noise, actually felt a true thanksgiving for all I have?
The Ten of Cups also reminds us to enjoy peace, experience serenity. It's time to call a truce, forgive and forget. Let go of tension and stress. Relax. Not much of a relaxer but it may be time to sit and smell the flowers.
In the Jane Austen Tarot
So, I think I'm going to enjoy today. I'll keep you posted.
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