The Knights in the Tarot trouble me. For a long time I always saw them as other people, projecting their energy extremes anywhere but on me. I have come to understand they reflect a continuum of energy and as with everything, balance is the key.
The Knight of Swords at his best, is direct, at his worst, is blunt. Frank becomes tactless, outspoken becomes rude. He is also authoritative but how quickly that can become overbearing. How easily though does speaking with assurance become domineering. The Knight can be incisive but cutting. His keen and forceful intellect is prone to biting sarcasm. His knowledgeability can become opinionated. He knows so much about so much and yet this can lead to him believing he's always right, that it must be his way or the highway. The Knight also reasons clearly but can come to undervalue intuition. He concentrates on what is correct and may not temper justice with mercy. He is able to set aside emotional factors to make clear decisions, but easily can cut himself off completely from his feelings.
So why the Knight of Swords today? He is part of the situation, part of me, part of someone near me. Is he helping though, or hurting? Is he reflecting the balanced qualities of the Knight or is he out of balance -- cutting, opinionated, cutting, overbearing, and blunt? I think I might know this person but I also need to be careful that I not acknowledge the best and worst of this Knight in me.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Knight of Swords is depicted by Frank Churchill of Emma. Frank Churchill is a highly eligible bachelor in the town of Highbury, a man of mystery. He is the son of Mr. Weston, but was adopted by his wealthy aunt and uncle upon his mother's death. He has been indulged, given many gifts, but much has ben asked of him too -- to live without his father's genial presence, to serve at the whim of his rich aunt and uncle. The astrological attribution for this card is Air of Air. This elemental confluence bestows speed, wit, intelligence, and "a decided self-interest unleavened by emotional vulnerability." The Knight can love, but he is deliberate and calculating.
So who is the Knight and what does he want me to know? Not sure but I'll keep you posted.
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