More cups. It's odd to be in a time that seems ripe for pentacles, for lack and loss, for building security, and to have all these promising cards about emotional happiness and love. If I needed any other reminder that my life is about learning balance, these plentiful cups, these grails, hold out the promise of life's blessings to a thirsty soul.
The Six of Cups is a sweet card and one of my favorites. It's a card of good will, innocence, and childhood. It reminds us to act kindly and charitably and to remember how blessed we are. It asks you to appreciate simple joys, to let yourself feel contentment, to be content. It's also a playful card, encouraging the reader to feel carefree. It's a card of small, sweet gestures that are sometimes barely noticed but so important. It is these small acts of generosity that make up the majority of life's blessings.
In the
Jane Austen Tarot
, the Six of Teacups depicts Edmund Bertram of Mansfield Park consoling Fanny Price. In a place of false connections, theirs is a true and real relationship, filled with caring and love. Edmund values Fanny's loyalty, sincerity, and her affectionate heart. And Fanny sees in Edmund, her best friend and ultimately gives him her heart. When this card shows up in a reading, it asks you to look at the emotional bonds in your life. Are they even? If not, this card asks you to bring them in balance. This card also suggests a friendship that can become the foundation of a romantic love. Such a love will be stronger for the honest intimacy that is the basis for the relationship. The card can also suggest a rather childish way of viewing a situation. Edmund holds on to his young feelings for Fanny and never imagines that hers have deepened, or his own.
What Would Jane Do?
"Words of kindness can provide balm in the worse times, deeds of kindness stir the soul, but a combination of the two are an ideal foundation for any relationship." p. 87
How will the Six of Cups manifest in my life? I'm not sure but I'll keep you posted.
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