Since the Eight of Swords showed up earlier this week, I wanted a deeper understanding of the card, what it might mean for me, what I'm not getting (since it keeps coming up). The Eight of Swords is a card about limitations, real or imagined. It's about what we believe which may not at all be what is true. The Empress is a card of abundance. She is the fertile, life-giving mother, or Mother (since this is a major Arcana card, the Empress does possess more archetypal qualities). She reminds us to strengthen and maintain our connections to the natural world. She also reminds us of our creative and life-giving powers, not just childbirth but any creative project, idea, hope and dream. I recently made a collage which may be my version of The Empress, this cherishing of the world. The Empress reminds us that life is full of wonderful gifts that are ours if we understand that these gifts and blessings come to generous and open spirits. We must give to be given too; and our abundance must go both ways, including receipt, a task which is harder for me. She also calls us to patience and discernment. As any good gardener can tell you, patience is critical, and we have to know when enough is enough, when to jump in to supplement, and when to let things be. These are all skills I have but do not always use. Obviously, it is time to get in touch with my inner Empress.
So here is the Eight of Swords reminding me of how I tend to weave stories of what I believe as opposed to what might be true. I believe the best in others, and also what I want. When pain comes and hurt, I see nothing else. I am bound by limits which are of my own making. I suspect the Empress came to me to remind of my own generative powers. She also be reminding me of my own creative powers, not just to make art, but to make the world I want to live in. I forget the art of life and the life in art and I shouldn't. I think she also appeared to remind me of who I am, what I am. I tend to take that all for granted, forget myself. I never see myself as the Empress, but it might be time.
It has been such a journey with the cards. Can't wait to see what more they have to say. I'll keep you posted.
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