Which doesn't mean it isn't beloved work. To be able to lose ourselves completely to it, in it, requires a full dedication. And as anyone can tell you when you're in the flow, you feel energized, blessed. I think life deserves this kind of focus and attention. It asks us to be involved completely. It's not like it's a dress rehearsal, that we have another chance to do it right. What happens after this life, we don't know, so it's best to give it our all. I do tend to hold myself back, to think I have plenty of time, less so now after the last year, but still.
There is one aspect of my life I am not fully immersed in. I wait, like Sleeping Beauty, for someone to come and save me. Still.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Eight of Coins depicts all the skills Anne Elliot has mastered. The card suggests that who ever draws it possesses this same level of mastery. It also could mean that you are the unseen hand behind many projects that make them successful but that you do not get credit for it. This rings a bit true but is also changing. I'm asking for more recognition and letting go of things that no longer serve.
Another aspect of the card is that it may be time to move on to higher plane, that I've reached as far as I can go in one area. This gave me pause for I have a circumstance in my life that I linger in, and maybe I shouldn't. Maybe it's time to be done. Maybe it's gone as far as it can.
The card is particularly relevant to creativity -- writing, art, music. So perhaps, even though I didn't ask about this, the cards are directing me to channel my energy into my writing and collages. That's what I'm doing. I don't know what else to do.
As for how it goes, I'll keep you posted.
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