Of course nothing could come of it. Aces tell you to do your part. Seeds need to be tended. Sure you can depend on nature to do it all, but your chances might be slimmer. Why wouldn't you do what you could to let this seed sprout, grow, bloom? Why wouldn't you tend it, water it, feed it, help it on its way. Be daring; be brave. Find your path and push yourself. Seize the initiative. This Ace tells you that a time of passion is upon you, upon me. I need to trust myself because I know if I do, there is no limit to what I can achieve.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, this card depicts a blazing candle atop Jane Austen's most famous novel, Pride and Prejudice. The novel is not just about a journey to marriage, but it reflects a deeper story of a spiritual journey, a journey of self-understanding and personal growth, a journey I'm on as well. Maybe I too started like the Maiden of this suit, all impulsive fire and have come to be the Lady, wise, energetic, clear-sighted, sure. It would be nice.
What Would Jane Do?
"The road to any destination must begin with a first step. The key is to choose a destination that is truly representative of your core being. The quality of the journey will be in direct proportion to how well - or ill - it reflects your essential self." p. 57
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