In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Five of Teacups depicts George Wickham and Elizabeth Bennett talking. He is telling her his tale of woe and she is listening sympathetically. Of course, it won't be long before circumstances will reveal Wickham's true character and his tale of woe merely that, a tale he may believe but with little grounding in fact. Lizzie learns the truth about Wickham, as does her family, the hard way, the way we often learn the truth, with sometimes dire consequences.
In this tarot deck there's a bit of the "woe is me" feeling. Everyone faces hard times, and while our trials may seem overwhelming, there are others who experience worse without the kind of fuss. I think maybe I've grieved enough, not just because it's time to move on, not just because such excessive grief is unattractive, but because it hurts me and those I love. I don't live my life, but spend my energy wishing for another, what might have been, which is long, long gone. Not being fully present has gotten me in the predicament. Think it might be time to face where I am and get on with things.
Not sure where all this will lead, but I'll keep you posted.
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