The four of Wands is a card of celebration, rejoicing over a happy event, recognizing success and reflecting on accomplishments. It's a card of seeking freedom, getting out of oppressive situations, breaking free of bonds, and letting go of limitations. And it's also a card of feeling excited, relishing the moment, feeling jubilant and surprised. Remember the excitement of the best of birthday parties, the cake coming in alight with candles, your loved ones and friends all around you? Remember that first slow dance with the love of your life, the deep, thrumming thrill of it? That's this card. In a reading, the Four of Wands often refers to a celebratory event or event, the kind that generates excitement. It can also be a card of freedom, of breaking loose, claiming the broad vistas that are yours.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Four of Candlesticks depicts the marriages of Jane Bennett and Charles Bingley and Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy. It speaks of a celebration, but a lasting one. If you're asking about a relationship (I wasn't), then it might indicate a new, more stable phase of it, increased seriousness. Those four wands speak of stability, a completion and new beginning. It's a lovely card although I'm not really sure what it means for me. Is it time to reach for freedom? Is a celebration coming? Are relationships deepening to something more stable? What is my more perfect union? I guess we'll see.
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