Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010 - The Ten of Cups

What a lovely card to wake up to, especially after a day of poetry and conversation.  The Ten of Cups is the promise of what's possible within all of us, abundant blessings that can be yours if you only you reach for them.  Sounds good.

When the Ten of cups comes up in a reading it reminds us that there is a place beyond contentment, enjoyment, and happiness -- Joy -- and it is our birthright.  The card tells us to embrace happiness, radiate love, delight in our good fortune.  What do we do?  Count our blessings and express delight.  What a wonderful phrase, express delight.  I wonder how long it's been since I expressed delight, made a joyful noise, actually felt a true thanksgiving for all I have?

The Ten of Cups also reminds us to enjoy peace, experience serenity.  It's time to call a truce, forgive and forget.  Let go of tension and stress.  Relax.  Not much of a relaxer but it may be time to sit and smell the flowers.

In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Ten of Cups depicts the Darcys and the Bingleys at the happy ever after of Pride and Prejudice.  This card is seen as an augury of love and happiness.  It speaks of abundant blessings, hard won.  You have been tested by fire and can at last truly appreciate the peace and harmony.  Like the Bennett girls, you can expect happiness, both present and future when this card comes up.  So enjoy it.  You've earned it.

So, I think I'm going to enjoy today.  I'll keep you posted.

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