Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010 - Ace of Candlesticks (Wands)

I have always loved the Aces in the Tarot. There is such possibility in them, such promise. They are seeds but it doesn't always mean those seeds sprout, or if they do, when. They are a promise, nothing more, what could be if (and it's a big if) I nourish them. So today is the seed of creativity, the spark of a spiritual journey.

Here's what Joan Bunning says of the Ace of Wands:

"In readings, it shows that a seed of bold enthusiasm has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a creative idea, surge of optimism or need to act boldly. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.

When you see this Ace, examine your life to see how its potent, confident energy could work for you. Be daring and brave. Sometimes you have to risk to get what you want. Look for the path that will excite you and push you beyond your limits. Seize the initiative, and let your enthusiasm take you to new heights. Wands are the suit of individual power and fulfillment. This Ace tells you that a time of passion is beginning. You will be able to assert your best for all to see."

In the Jane Austen Tarot, the suit of Wands is represented by Candlesticks and the story that most closely captures the essence of the suit is Pride and Prejudice. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett are the King and Queen of the suit as their journey is a spiritual one of growth, courage and change in order to find true happiness. The Ace of Candlesticks is a reminder of the light that shines brightly in all of us, the one we often hide under a bushel. It's a card about finding your true path and following it, risking much to gain so much more. This strikes home for I am not one that gives much thought to my light and these days I am not foundering as much as wondering what is my path, beyond job. Why am I here? Why did I stay?

What Would Jane Do?

"The road to any destination must begin with a first step. The key is to choose a destination that is truly representative of your core being. The quality of the journey will be in direct proportion to how well -- or ill -- it reflects your essential self." p. 57

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