The Seven of Swords depicts a man running off with several swords, a rather satisfied smile on his face. The implication is he might be stealing. Whether it is just act or not is part of the card. It suggests possible dishonor after all. It also reflects the desire to run away, as well as a Lone Wolf style a desire, like the divine Garbo, to be alone.
Hmmm. Do I want to be alone? Sometimes. Do I have plans I am hiding from my loved ones? Maybe. I'm not completely present in this life I have, that's for sure.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Seven of Quills (swords) depicts Mrs. Norris of Mansfield Park. Mrs. Norris is not a good woman. She claims charity but is neither charitable in thought or deed. She speaks nicely, but her words do not match her actions. So perhaps I or someone I know, speaks deceitfully. Perhaps I or someone I know, professes good deeds but does not act that way. Am I feeling empty and lacking? If so, what mental tricks am I using to comfort myself and perhaps the time for tricks is gone. See, a troubling card, as tricky and deceitful as the man stealing away with an armful of swords.
What would Jane Do?
"Listen carefully to what others say and observe even more carefully what they do before you trust them with the secrets of your heart -- or your pet ideas." p. 111
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