John O'Donohue writes in his book, Anam Cara, "We are always on a journey from darkness into light. At first, we are children of the darkness. Your body and your face were formed first in the kind darkness of your mother's womb. Your birth was a first journey from darkness into light. All your life, your mind lives within the darkness of your body. Every thought you have is a flint moment, a spark of light from your inner darkness." When The Sun comes in a reading you becomes enlightened, experience greatness, feel vital, and have assurance. It is your time to shine.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, The Sun is depicted by Emma Woodhouse and George Knightley at the moment each realize they love and are loved by the other. All the dark doubts and fears that come with The Moon, are chased away in the pure light of The Sun. When this card comes up in a reading, all is clear and out in the open. What has been dark and confused is now bright and unambiguous. Thank God.
What Would Jane Do?
"Perfect happiness is an exalted state that is as intense as it is infrequent. When you attain it, relish it, because with it comes a statute of limitations. For women in particular, it is a tenuous condition, one that is not supported by anyone but the newly smitten lover, and even there longevity is not indicated. Ecstasy will always be followed by a gnat in the ointment, so soak up the Sun as long as you are able."
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