January 2, 2010 - The Three of Candlesticks (Wand)
This is the second time the Three of Candlesticks has come up this week. It is a message I apparently need to hear more than once. According to Joan Bunning, when the Three of Wands comes up in a reading the following areas are highlighted:
exploring the unknownseeking out uncharted areas
going in quest of new adventure
expanding horizons
leaving the secure behind
tackling something differenthaving foresightbeing visionary
looking for greater possibilities
planning ahead
knowing what to expect
getting a premonition
anticipating obstacles
taking the long viewdemonstrating leadershipshowing others the way
taking the main role
providing needed direction
rallying the group behind you
assuming a responsible position
setting an exampleserving as a representative
I'm not sure about the leadership part, but the rest is interesting, a message about intuition, vision, following that vision, taking the risk for adventure, not afraid. Edward Ferrars, the Lord of Coins yesterday, may be indicative of a fear or conservatism that does not serve me, a clinging to the status quo because I'm too fearful to risk, to strike out on my own. It's hard not to see my mom's revelations this trip as a warning about settling.
Jane's Advice:"A man without ambition is not likely to win admirers. Aspiration costs nothing and yet must be the core foundation of any successful endeavor. Without planning and consistent clever effort, however, the roots will twist and turn in on themselves, creating an in-dwelling of foul resentment and bitter dreams." P. 60
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