The first thing that strikes me reading Joan Bunning's site, learntarot.com, is "proceeding with trust," specifically "believing in the good faith others." I am learning these days, have been for some times actually, how to have faith in those I call friend, especially in our friendship. I have learned these past few years that what we feel for others may not be reciprocated. I know most people get that early on. I'm remedial when it comes to relationships. I keep looking for proof and faith means there won't be proof. That's why it's called faith.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Ace of Coins is represented by a coin atop the novel Sense and Sensibility. Jane's novels deal with balance or lack there of. Sense and Sensibility is no different. It pits pragmatism and good sense against sensibility and sensitivity, Elinor Dashwood versus Marinanne. Both are disappointed in love but one goes on, lives a good life, which the other, Marianne, sensibility, comes near death for love of an unworthy man. In the end Elinor gets the man she loves with her good sense and dignity intact. Marianne comes to love and marry a man she disdained at the beginning of the novel as being to old and to prosaic. Both find love but it seems Austen is recommending the more pragmatic approach as opposed to sensitivity.
What Would Jane Do?
"People's thoughts can change in the blink of an eye - or with an insinuating comment from a parsimonious wife. Wishing is not possessing, and verbal offers are not money in hand. If there's something you want, expectation alone will not provide it. Move steadily and surely - and even then, you may not reach your desired goal. But you will be at least one step closer to it." p. 125
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