The Magician is a lovely card. There is something about that hand up-raised channeling divine energy and the other pointing to the earth to manifest his will that I find a bit thrilling, like that moment at a magic show when you are full of doubt and then with a sweep of hands and a muttering of magic words, the impossible happens. I will tell you a secret though, about this card and me. I project its power onto others, especially the men in my life, but I do not own its power for myself. Oh he is lovely the Magician, that intelligent face sure of his own power. I almost fall in love with him. No, not almost; I do fall in love in love with him, eager to be the yin to his yang, the High Priestess to this Magician, The Empress to the Emperor. (Can you tell my soul card is The Lovers?)
The Magician symbolizes the power to tap universal forces and use them for creative purposes. He is not afraid to act. He believes in himself and is willing to put that belief on the line. Remembering the divine source of his power, the Magician can do anything he sets his mind to. He creates magic and miracles.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Magician is depicted by Henry Crawford of the novel Mansfield Park. This is an interesting choice for what often is presented as a "good" card in a reading. Henry Crawford possesses prodigious talents but he does not apply himself or use those talents for anything worthy. Perhaps the wisest thing he does is try to woo Fanny's hand but when she rejects him, he goes off in a sulk to soothe his ego, hooking-up with poor, weak Maria Bertram. Given the time, Henry can survive such an encounter relatively unscathed but Maria, a married woman who leaves her husband, will never again know the company of good society. Her life is ruined for passion and a man who didn't love her and chose her undoing for his own pleasure.
This is an interesting spin on this card. It suggests I have the power and focus to achieve what I want but do I have the discernment to use those skills wisely? That's a difficult question and I'm not sure I know the answer. I think I am using my powers for good, mine and other's, but maybe I'm not. Maybe I am going only after what I selfishly want, no matter the cost. It may not be a cost I pay but another. Hmmmmm. Sobering.
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