Today the Two of Cups arrived. It was actually the second card,
I picked, one to clarify the first which was, come on, you know what it is ... Death. In the Two of Cups, a man and a woman stare at one another lovingly, ready to share the cups of their emotions. When this card comes up, the beauty and power that is created when two come together is in the fore. It isn't time to hold yourself apart. It's the time to join in partnerships. Connections are what's important. If you are in conflict, look for a truce and a chance to forgive and be forgiven. Here's where the card speaks to me - in a friendship that has been sorely tested, a deep and unspoken hurt, and forgiveness which I cannot seem to muster but have to if I'm going to move on.
In the Jane Austen Tarot
, the Two of Cups depicts Catherine Morland and Henry Tilney when they first meet. Catherine is young and smitten. Henry is amused and intrigued. It is a card that depicts the initial attraction but not whether the relationship has any staying power. It tells you to focus on the other but with clear eyes, to what is as opposed to what could be. Stay balanced no matter how infatuated you are.
So how does Death and endings relate to the Two of Cups? Not really sure but I promise I'll keep you posted.
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