The Emperor. Hmmmmm. There have been a lot of major arcana cards in my readings. No big surprise there. The last few years have been all about major transformation. The Emperor though?
The Emperor is about fathering. Okay. My father is figuring predominantly in my life these days. The Emperor is about establishing a family line, setting direction and tone, protecting and defending. It's about guiding growth, bringing security and comfort and offering explanations. Maybe I will get some explanations about my life, my beginnings, why he seems to keep me at arms length since I grew up, why I seem to so disappoint him.
The Emperor is also about emphasizing structure, creating order out of chaos. Hmmmm. That hits a bit close to home. I could use some order. It's the end of the school year and crazy and my house is a mess, my car is a mess, my life? You guessed it. A mess. It is definitely time to bring some order into my life. Maybe the Emperor is the perfect card for me right now.
The Emperor is also about exercising authority, taking a leadership tole, commanding, being in a position of strength, setting a direction. Okay. That sounds good. He also encourages us to regulate, follow a regimen. I need that too. I haven't been good with walking lately. Everything else seems to take precedence. I know it shouldn't be that way. Life just seems to run away with me by the end of the school year.
I guess you were the best choice, Emperor. I should never have doubted you.
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