The Seven of Coins sometimes arrives when we are at a crossroads. It's so easy to continue along a familiar path; so much harder to change course, to forge a new path in a new direction. When this card comes up in a reading you have the opportunity to make a course correction if you need to, or a complete about-face if that is required. Change is still possible without the wholesale destruction of the Tower.
In the Jane Austen Tarot
What is most interesting to me about the Jane Austen Tarot is how often the stories depicted by the cards have a strong resonance for me. I too loved and was refused. I went on, continued, worked hard. I did grieve overmuch. I was not as focused as Robert Martin. And I gave up, I suppose, unlike that hard working young man. I don't know. Maybe my goal is not unachievable. I do think though you can't lose sight of yourself, your land, your labors, your life. Even when your goal seems out of reach, you go on, live life to the fullest.
What Would Jane Do?
"But of all things this card preaches, patience is the greatest message. If you give up on something you really want, you will berate yourself for a much longer period than the one you are spending wishing for something to come to fruition. Understand that what is meant to happen will happen when the time is ripe, and your continued application is the only element that will move the desired situation closer.
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