The Seven of Swords is about running away, adopting a lone-wolf style, and hidden dishonor. I can definitely relate to "running away." The world seems a bit overwhelming and I have a craving for alone time that is becoming a hunger. I don't want to deal with things as much as I want to run away, live alone, make the world all about my art and writing. Even my dreams of the house I want is more studio than house and has little that would be comfortable for others, just the barest of bones. Do I want independence? Hell yeah. Although do I really want it? That's a harder question. I know I need connection to others to keep me real and present and embodied.
In the Jane Austen Tarot
What Would Jane Do?
"Listen carefully to what others say and observe even more carefully what they do before you trust them with the secrets of your heart -- or your pet ideas." (p. 111)
Not sure what that means for me today. Guess we'll see. I'll keep you posted.
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