The summer of 2007, when I was recovering from hip surgery and a figurative broken heart (the more literal manifestation would come two years later), the Star came in readings all the time. In pain and hopeless, sure I would never love or be loved again, I found this card soothing, like looking up at the night sky and knowing my small place in a vast universe. I will say, symbolically, this is one of my favorite cards - the pale blue sky, the stars, the woman with one foot on land and one in the stream (conscious and unconscious). It's a place I'd love to be; a woman I'd love to be.
When the Star comes up in a reading, it encourages you to have faith in the future, think positively, and count your blessings (something I forget to do sometimes). If you've been struggling in the dark. you can at last see the light at the end of the tunnel. The Star is not a card of guaranteed success. It is a card, though, of hope and inspiration and you can't have success until you believe it's possible and believe in yourself. This is harder for me than I like to admit.
Now when you're hurt and hurting, most people, shut down. You close your heart because when it's open, why that's when someone finds a way to stab you there. The Star card reminds us to be generous, to give, to spread the wealth, to open our hearts. If we don't love, how can we expect love to come to us. I have offered with no reservations and hope one day to find myself there again - generous, loving, open, free with myself.
The Star is also about experiencing peace of mind, feeling serene, just like that woman on the card. I'm getting there, experiencing it more and more but there are so many days, to many days, when I'm lost and scared and my mind is haunted by all the thoughts of what could go wrong. Obviously, I still have quite a bit of work to do.
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