Here is what Joan Bunning writes about the card on learntarot.com: "In readings, the Six of Pentacles asks you to look very deeply into the whole issue of what having really means both materially (resources) and immaterially (knowledge, power, love). You may see yourself on one side or the other, but this card asks you to reconsider. Think of the successful businessman who suddenly declares bankruptcy. The tyrannical invalid who dominates through weakness. The teacher who learns from her students. The parent who controls by giving money."
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the Six of Pentacles depicts Anne Elliot of Persuasion making time for an old friend who has fallen on hard times, Mrs. Smith. Although her family disapproves of the low connection Anne continues to do what's right, spending time with her friend, and receiving the gift of learning the true situation and intentions of her cousin, that he is not the man he pretends to be. This card then is about gift and receipt and the blessings of both. It warns not to give and give to your own detriment, but not to be stingy either. You give without thought of return but in the way of the world, return will be yours.
Love your blog and wonderful explaination of the cards. Do you offer readings? and if you don't do you know a good reader that is not pricey?