On the Three of Wands, a man has struggled to the top of a mountain to survey the land below. He has worked hard to achieve this position which pulls him out of the fray, allows him a clear perspective. When the Three of Wands comes up in a reading, it asks you to take the long view, accept your vision, and to move toward it. It is a card of leadership, of someone with the strength and vision to succeed, and the courage to pave the way. The wands represent the element of fire and creativity. This card often refers to creative projects. Now is the time to move toward your creative goal.
In the Jane Austen Tarot, the three of candlesticks (wands) is depicted by Fanny Price's brother, William, a high-spirited and energetic young man full of aspirations and a plan to achieve them. He has set his sights on the Navy, the military being the one field a commoner could raise to good heights in. In this card, the "growing pains" of the two of wands has progressed to the three. And while William has not achieved his ultimate goal, he is on his way. When this card shows up in a reading, "You have progressed beyond the realm of contemplation and into the sphere of action. Like william, you have achieved some success in your chosen profession (or area of inspiration), and the world you wish to create is literally in your hands." Since my horoscope talks about this being a year to focus on writing, I'm wondering if this is what the card refers to. It may be that to take my mind from the rest, what I need most is this endeavor to look toward and work for. Maybe the best cure for a broken heart, both literal and figurative is words on a page.
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